Welcome to our National Paralegal Day celebration! 🎉 Today, we’re honoring the incredible dedication and hard work of paralegals everywhere. Whether you’re looking to treat a valued paralegal professional or find the perfect gift to show your appreciation, you’ve come to the right place.

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Explore our curated list of thoughtful giveaways and gift ideas to make the paralegal day celebration unforgettable. From personalized keepsakes to practical tools, discover the ideal way to express your gratitude and celebrate paralegals’ vital role in the legal world.
Unique Gifts & Giveaways to Celebrate National Paralegal Day
- Funny Stress Buster Balls
Curate the perfect box of handpicked gift they’ll love and send joy their way
- Phone Accessories
- Desk Organizer
Learn more about National Paralegal Day.
Our office is no exception to that appreciation, and this year, one of our partners, Jim, wanted to go above and beyond for the paralegals working in our office. We were in the process of hiring, and Jim wanted our social media followers to get a glimpse into our company and how well we treat our employees.
His idea was good, but he needed to give our in-house marketing team more time to start planning. Jim suggested office parties, off-site celebrations, ordering swag for giveaways, and signing up for snacks that could be regularly delivered to our office for everyone to munch on. And he wanted us to document all of it on social media.
After spending a few high-pressure days devising a content calendar, ordering swag from SwagMagic, and booking sites for off-site celebrations, Jim looked like he was going to get his wish. Our company would go big for National Paralegal Day, and our followers would be along for the ride.
Gifts for Lawyers
When our paralegals learned about the big celebration dedicated to them and how hard they work, they went from excited to stressed almost immediately.
They couldn’t wait to receive social media recognition and custom gifts like branded swag, and non-stop snacks, but they were concerned about not having anything to give in return.
We assured them that gifts for lawyers were unnecessary and that every paralegal gift basket handed out was because we genuinely appreciated them. Still, Rhonda, one of the longest-working paralegals at our firm, did a SwagMagic search for professional gifts for lawyers.
She bought a set of two beautifully engraved glasses for each of the lawyers at the firm and asked the rest of the paralegals to chip in a few dollars toward the gift. She spent a lot of money, and everyone else seemed irritated that she didn’t consult them before making a purchase.
Those of us on the party planning team were concerned about how Jim would take this, seeing as he really wanted to make it all about the paralegals. Then, Rhonda posted the glasses on social media, complaining about how paralegals do so much for the lawyers and get nothing in return.
We couldn’t understand it since we’d already told her that huge appreciation events and gifts were right around the corner! We had to beg her to take it down before it passed to Jim and the other partners.
Christmas Gift Ideas for Legal Assistant
Rhonda did take down her post, and she ended up apologizing, but none of us were sure what to make of it. Either way, we had to move on. The lawyers had given out a fantastic gift for the legal assistant, and a beautiful Christmas gift for the administrative assistant, so we couldn’t understand why Rhonda was so angry.
We dropped it, focusing on the paralegals and legal assistants and planning for their big day. Jim found out about the glasses and Rhoda’s post, and it was only a short time before she was called into his office.
Legal Secretary Gifts
Jim was confused about why Rhonda would post such a thing, as our lawyers always gave out legal secretary gifts. Just that week, she’d gotten a big legal secretary gift basket for her birthday! We’ll never know what happened in the meeting with Jim and Rhonda.
Did they fight over gifts for assistants and gifts for secretaries? Did Rhonda demand a raise? Or did they decide to amicably part ways? We have no idea, but we do know that Rhonda slammed the door behind her when she left, gathered her things, and we never saw her again.
SwagMagic Celebrates Paralegals
Despite all the Rhonda drama, our Paralegal Day celebrations went off without a hitch, and they were massively successful with our employees and across our social channels. Jim had a line of people wanting to interview for the job openings, which, without Rhonda, there was one more!
SwagMagic delivered beautiful custom-branded swag right to our office door, and the SnackMagic boxes were a perfect complement. Everyone in the office loves them (not just the paralegals), so we purchase them weekly for every department! We’ll definitely choose them for future events!
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