Episode 1: Pivot
Watch how STADIUM decided to pivot from delivering lunches to shipping snacks and beverages
Episode 2: The Launch
Take a peek into how SnackMagic launched in just 30 days. From Idea to First Order in 3 Weeks
Episode 3: Rapid Learning
Watch how SnackMagic talked to customers and listened hard to build their business
Episode 4: The Iteration Phase
Iterating. Changing The Wheels of A Moving Car. Watch how the small tweaks we made yielded big results
Episode 5: Getting to Product-Market Fit
Getting to Product-Market Fit. Find out all the juicy secrets behind the story of SnackMagic.
Episode 6: Strengthening Our Moat
Adding new products to our menu-custom swag to cater to our corporate customer base
Episode 7: Blitz Scaling
Introducing: SnackMagic International. From US only gifting to global gifting